Suši je imel svoj izvor zunaj Japonske. čeprav je suši danes v celoti povezan z japonsko kulturo, naj bi se pravi navdih za suši začel v jugovzhodn...
Nadaljuj z branjemLeanpay omogoča enostavne obročne nakupe preko spleta. Za obročno plačilo v košarici izberite Leanpay. Informativni izračun ne vključuje stroškov ocene tveganja.
Blade shape: Nakiri
Steel: VG10
Hardness (HRC): 60 - 61
Knife length: 295 mm
Blade length: 170 mm
Spine thickness: 2 mm
Weight: 110 g
Handle type / material: Chestnut with a Black Pakkawood Ferrule
Blacksmith: Shizu Hamono
Best for:
Gen (玄) means BLACK and EXPERT in Japan. The distinctive iron black and Damascus pattern make you feel the beauty and depth of Japanese harmony. Japanese traditional handle 'shape of chestnut naturally grips the hand, and the hammer on the blade stops food sticking to the blade.
The Gen series of knives are unique in that it has a real kurouchi finish typically only found in carbon steel knives. Gen knives are 100% stainless steel with a VG10 core. This real kurouchi finish is created after 29 months of research and development by the engineers at Shizu.
Suši je imel svoj izvor zunaj Japonske. čeprav je suši danes v celoti povezan z japonsko kulturo, naj bi se pravi navdih za suši začel v jugovzhodn...
Nadaljuj z branjemSushi Chefs so strokovnjaki za pripravo hrane, ki gredo skozi leta usposabljanja. Poleg sušija so suši kuharji strokovnjaki za pripravo tudi drugih...
Nadaljuj z branjem