Although sushi today is entirely associated with Japanese culture, the real inspiration for sushi is said to have started in South-East Asia. Narez...
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Blade shape: Santoku
Steel: SPG2
Hardness (HRC): 60-61
Knife length: 330 mm
Blade length: 180 mm
Spine thickness: 2,2 mm
Weight: 150 g
Handle type / material: Laminated reinforced wood
Blacksmith: Seki Kanetsugu
Best for:
Seki Kanetsugu developed “Zuiun” which became the 100th anniversary model using the traditional technique of the swordsmith and high technology.
The excellent cutlery steel has a hamaguriba finish, which is the shape of Japanese swords.
Sub-zero process, which is a special treatment to quench to -70° C or below , gives high hardness and toughness.
Laminated reinforced wood with seven corners is used for the handle material, and it has a stylish design finish that is easy to grip and has a feeling of Japanese ambiance.
Although sushi today is entirely associated with Japanese culture, the real inspiration for sushi is said to have started in South-East Asia. Narez...
Continue readingSushi Chefs are food preparation experts who go through years of training. In addition to sushi, Sushi Chefs are also experts in preparing other Ja...
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