Although sushi today is entirely associated with Japanese culture, the real inspiration for sushi is said to have started in South-East Asia. Narez...
Continue readingLeanpay omogoča enostavne obročne nakupe preko spleta. Za obročno plačilo v košarici izberite Leanpay. Informativni izračun ne vključuje stroškov ocene tveganja.
Dimensions: 600x300x20 mm
Weight: 2,4 kg
Manufacturer: Hasegawa
+ gift cutting board scraper
As it comes with a wooden core structure and does not deform, the plastic material used on its surface is very soft. Despite the plastic material, they are able to achieve the same level of blade friendliness as a wooden cutting board.
HASEGAWA`s Cutting Board SCRAPER has outstanding scraping power, and easily erases tough spots, yellowing, molds, grooves and feathering from the surface of cutting boards.
Although sushi today is entirely associated with Japanese culture, the real inspiration for sushi is said to have started in South-East Asia. Narez...
Continue readingSushi Chefs are food preparation experts who go through years of training. In addition to sushi, Sushi Chefs are also experts in preparing other Ja...
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