Although sushi today is entirely associated with Japanese culture, the real inspiration for sushi is said to have started in South-East Asia. Narez...
Continue readingLeanpay omogoča enostavne obročne nakupe preko spleta. Za obročno plačilo v košarici izberite Leanpay. Informativni izračun ne vključuje stroškov ocene tveganja.
Dimensions: 250x150 mm
Weight: 100 g
Manufacturer: Hasegawa
Versatile waterproof non-slip mats for multipurpose use. Can be placed underneath slippery items instead of using wet cloths.
The mats are designed to:
- not lose its grip,
- to stand on its own for easy washing and drying,
- to be able to cut into any size as desired.
Although sushi today is entirely associated with Japanese culture, the real inspiration for sushi is said to have started in South-East Asia. Narez...
Continue readingSushi Chefs are food preparation experts who go through years of training. In addition to sushi, Sushi Chefs are also experts in preparing other Ja...
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